
Thursday 24 February 2011

Musician Team Meeting

On Tuesday night, the musician team gathered together for the first time this year. It was a brilliant time where we worshipped together, celebrated what has happened over the last year, reminded ourselves of some important things to keep in our minds and prayed for this coming year and over some needs within the team.

The musician team are brilliant... they work diligently & humbly and it's a real privilege to serve with these guys and girls. Whether it's at a Friday night practice after a long week or packing down at the end of the evening service I love the commitment that they all show and their willingness to make things work.

We're served as a team brilliantly by our deacon Kat Starling who's passion and joy is so infectious, as evident by tuesday night. After the meeting I think it's fair to say we're all excited by what this year holds for the church and how we can contribute.

Things to thank God for in 2010:

* Full bands throughout the year!
* Serving youth at Butlins
* Evening meeting
* New songs including some of our own!
* New worship leaders
* Carol concert

Things to pray for this year:
* Drummers
* A team of musicians for the evening service
* Diversity within teams
* Creativity in sounds/styles
* God’s protection over us as a team
* Grace to keep going!

If you'd like to know more about the team or want to get involved do fill out the form on this website or grab Kat or (myself at the PM meeting)

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